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Does online social Media such as Facebook need controlling

Future60 - Sun, 04/22/2018 - 11:14

It is time we all realized we are wasting our time and life using social media.

Some people do not have the understanding of it and what it is doing to them.

Children should be banned from using it until at least aged 18. Most children cant handle it and are getting abused using it.

It is becoming a platform for criminals.

You have been warned and the government needs to take action.


People’s Vote campaign

Future60 - Sun, 04/15/2018 - 09:57

PRESS RELEASE Home News Launch of the new national People’s Vote campaign https://www.open-britain.co.uk/
Post published: April 15, 2018
After the biggest ever Day of Action by anti-Brexit campaigners on Saturday, with over 300 events across the country, today [Sunday] sees the national launch of the campaign for a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal.

The campaign will launch with a rally tomorrow afternoon in London in front of an audience of over 1,000 people. The crowd will hear from leading MPs from across the party divide – Anna Soubry, Chuka Umunna, Layla Moran and Caroline Lucas – about why they think it should be for the people, rather than politicians to decide.

In addition, there will be speeches from other notable public figures, including the acting legend, Sir Patrick Stewart; world-renowned economist, Professor Mariana Mazzucato; ground-breaking entrepreneur, Richard Reed; and world-leading neurologist, Professor Malcolm Macleod. Young people, who have the most at stake in the Brexit debate, will be well represented with contributions by the Vice President of NUS, Amatey Doku; and OFOC youth campaigners, Femi Oluwole and Lara Spirit. The whole show will be compered by the award-winning comedian Andy Parsons.

The People’s Vote campaign, with a new website (www.peoples-vote.uk), brings together nine grassroots campaigning organisations that have the support of a million people across the country, which have for the first time united behind a single overarching campaign.

The People’s Vote campaign will today [Sunday] also be launching a new poster campaign, designed by some of the leading advertising creatives in the country, who have given their assistance voluntarily. The posters will be unveiled at the rally and on an ad van that will tour central London. Activists attending the rally will also be given t-shirts featuring one the campaign’s key messages – that the final deal is ‘too big to ignore’.

Layla Moran MP, a leading supporter of the People’s Vote campaign, is expected to say:

“Yesterday, saw thousands of activists hand out half a million leaflets demanding a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal at over 300 events in every region and nation of the UK, in an unprecedented display of the grassroots power of the country’s anti-Brexit campaigning organisations.

“It may seem like the odds are stacked against us as a movement, but fighting for what you believe in is never easy.

“We are short on time, but we have people power on our side. Together, are on the verge of something extraordinary.”

Caroline Lucas MP, a leading supporter of the People’s Vote campaign, is expected to say:

“We will be making the case in Parliament, but this is too big and too important to be determined solely by politicians.

“So, it's up to you. If the public demand a People's Vote, politicians will fall in line.”

Commenting, James McGrory, Executive Director of Open Britain, which is supporting the People’s Vote campaign, said:

“Whether you think the Government will negotiate a good deal or bad deal, Brexit is definitely a big deal.

“Brexit is not inevitable. What the Government comes back with, not what was promised in the referendum, will be the real deal. It should not be a done deal.

“Brexit will affect everybody in the country, which is why it should not be left to 650 politicians to decide our future but 65 million people. That is why so many are demanding a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal.”

Commenting, Tom Brufatto, Chair of Britain for Europe, which is supporting the People’s Vote campaign, said:

“The People’s Vote campaign is clear. The terms of Brexit should not be stitched up behind closed doors by politicians and foisted on the country. The people must have a say, and that means a People’s Vote.

“In every part of the UK, we will be hitting the streets in the coming weeks and months to drive home the message that a People’s Vote is the only fair and workable way of deciding whether our country should accept the final deal.”

The People’s Vote campaign is backed by nine anti-Brexit groups, eight of which now operate out of a shared working space in London’s Millbank Tower: Open Britain, European Movement UK, Britain for Europe, Scientists for EU, Healthier IN, InFacts, Our Future Our Choice (OFOC), For our Future’s Sake (FFS), along with Wales for Europe.


Brexit-We have no chance in sorting this out

Future60 - Fri, 02/09/2018 - 16:36

The government and the country is clearly split on Brexit.
We are therefore struggling to sort out an agreement with The EU..
This will not be good for The UK or The EU.
So where do we go. The financial data appears to show. If we leave there is not much to gain.
Plus it is a very complicated to leave and we will never agree with the Irish borders and trade.
When we voted in the referendum.We were not aware of the delays and problems that would happen.
So far we have harmed the economy just talking about it.
I know it is difficult to accept. We should never have had a referendum especially the way it was run.No info about the outcome.
No preparation if we voted out.
We have to correct this now.
If we come out of the EU without agreeing it will be disaster.
We have to reconsider our vote in the referendum. This means voting again to stay in or out. We have more knowledge now.
It will hopefully be clearer then what direction we take. When its done. We all accept that as the way forward.


Second Referendum is our only hope

Future60 - Wed, 01/24/2018 - 11:44

The Election failed to show us any way forward.We are now in a worse situation.
We have to reconsider our situation and ask the public to reconsider their situation NOW before we negotiate with the EU
We need to have another referendum.
We also need to state on the voting document
If we vote out it will make us poorer.
If we vote in our economy will be better

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